What's on the Market in January 2025!

As we ease into 2025, there should be some top quality species on the markets, ready to kick-start a new year of seafood!

Whitefish like Coley, Haddock, Hake and Cod should be fairly steady and available, as well as some lovely Line Caught Bass, little Red Mullets and mixed sizes of local Monkfish.

However, the winter period can also be a game of two halves. The quality of wild caught species can be excellent, but the likelihood of adverse weather conditions can really affect landings and consistency.

For this reason, we would like to remind you that our sales team are just a phone call away, and they are here to guide you through our best seafood options for the month.

Please Note: The availability of fish varies around the UK and is affected by the weather, changing temperatures, market prices, transport and other industry issues. We suggest being flexible as there are always alternatives available, and our sales team are here to discuss all of our options with you.

To place an order and find out more about our daily market landing, please get in touch using the contact details below:

Call us on 01803 553232

Order via our Fresh Food Hub app

Email sales@kingfisherbrixham.co.uk

WhatsApp Message Us